
Ethical aspects in DFG grant proposals

Friday, 6. December 2024
12:00 - 13:15


Research Support

Danica Kümmel

This Research Support event focusses on the statements on ethical and legal aspects of the planned research project required by the DFG in all funding proposals. The content is based on the topics listed in the DFG proposal preparation instructions. Participants are sensitised to relevant ethical aspects of their research and the DFG's expectations of the statements are clarified. There will be enough time for questions.

Contents in brief:

  • Ethical and/or legal aspects according to DFG proposal preparation instructions
  • Possible ethical aspects of the research project
  • Expectations of the DFG

Target group: Postdocs and advanced doctoral researchers at the University of Konstanz

Course language: German/ English

Date: Friday, 6 December 2024, time: 12:00-13:15

Scrabble mit Begriffen aus der Antragstellung